Sunday 4 October 2015

The Best Campsite in France

Yes it's true
 We came to Itsas Mendi to stay for 3 nights and it is now day 7 and we are still here.  We love it.  All of us.  The is a jumping castle
Jumping castle
and a beach and a sunset and it Mama says it smells tropical.  It just smells of warm sea to me.  And flowers.
The beach
 We picked walnuts and ate them
Another walnut?
 and went down the water slide hundreds of times
Time 378
 and went routing about in rock pools.
Catching crabs
 I climbed a tree like a goat trying to make argon oil.
Goaty goat goat
And they drank beer.
Eki Thump
 And they tried to drown me in the swimming pool.
Letting go of my shorts
 We paddled in the sea
 and made flowers in the sand.
And then they tried to drown me some more.

Oh and we saw a man on a paddle board and a cormorant next to him so Mama took a picture.

Man paddle and bird

1 comment:

  1. How happy and exciting, Joey! And lovely walnuts and stuff - all bright and dry ...... SUCH a good thing you didn't go to the Côte D'Azur! Your mama and daddy always seem to make the right decision. Kiss them for us and a great big smacker for you, too. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tatie & Ton ton


Joe loves to get post (and presents) and post