Yes it's true |
We came to Itsas Mendi to stay for 3 nights and it is now day 7 and we are still here. We love it. All of us. The is a jumping castle
Jumping castle |
and a beach and a sunset and it Mama says it smells tropical. It just smells of warm sea to me. And flowers.
The beach |
We picked walnuts and ate them
Another walnut? |
and went down the water slide hundreds of times
Time 378 |
and went routing about in rock pools.
Catching crabs |
I climbed a tree like a goat trying to make argon oil.
Goaty goat goat |
And they drank beer.
Eki Thump |
And they tried to drown me in the swimming pool.
Letting go of my shorts |
We paddled in the sea
Brr |
and made flowers in the sand.
Flower | | |
And then they tried to drown me some more.
Glug |
Oh and we saw a man on a paddle board and a cormorant next to him so Mama took a picture.
Man paddle and bird |
How happy and exciting, Joey! And lovely walnuts and stuff - all bright and dry ...... SUCH a good thing you didn't go to the Côte D'Azur! Your mama and daddy always seem to make the right decision. Kiss them for us and a great big smacker for you, too. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tatie & Ton ton