More About Me

I was born on the kitchen floor.  Mum said it was because we all like cooking and eating too much.  On that basis, maybe I should have been born in a bar - considering all the drinking and talking that has been done.  I have to say that I still spend most of my time in the kitchen watching mum cook.  I like eating too.  Mainly birdy Num Nums but I am also investigating the cornucopia that organic vegetable boxes have to offer;)  Mum's trying hard to eat what I'm eating and to eat healthily but I caught her with a glass of beer and a biscuit the other evening.
I love music and can't resist shaking my tush to any old rhythm.   Nana is teaching me to play the piano and my Great Uncle plays the guitar to me every morning on Skype. 

My Musical Mornings

I love dogs.  In fact 'dog' was my first word.  I quite like butterflies and I worship trees.  I like presents but mainly the boxes they come in.  I don't like wearing a nappy, or swimming on my back or having my hair washed.  But I like most things - especially paring knives, the cleaning cupboard, hot pans, sharp corners, broken glass and poisonous shrubs.  I also like waking up when mummy is trying to sleep and poking up her nose, wanting to play when dinner is just ready, wanting to sleep when mum and dad are about to take me out and I like to eat when mummy hasn't packed any food for me.  But most of all I like laughing.............


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  2. Ah yes, those early morning musical soirées: me on guitar and vocals and you on drums. We made a darn good team, didn't we?

    Now, I know you are going to be distracted away from music as you discover new and wonderful things around you: trees and butterflies and puppies—and glorious concrete.

    Hopefully, you will one day come back to your music. Perhaps remembering the lovely times we shared will provide you with that little spark that will set your career in music alight. Or even the incentive to teach yourself a musical instrument and make music for sheer pleasure.

    All my love junior.


Joe loves to get post (and presents) and post