Altea beach |
Finally, the No Funs are staying still. We are stopping at Cap Blanch in Altea http://camping-capblanch.com/ which is right by the sea and full of Dutch people so I can greet them every morning. I like it. We are right next to the town so we go out for lumch quite a lot. I did manage to sleep through my first Chinese meal in a long time but Mama got a take away for me and I ate it on the beach. One of the best views I've had with a take away for a long time.
Eating Chinese |
We also went to Altea to the top of the town. I climbed up many steps.
Altea steps |
There was a great view from the top. Mama said it was Benidorm in the distance.
The view |
The NF's finally bought me some fancy pants boots. I wear them without
pants because Mama says I don't need nappies anymore.
My boots |
I think I do.
She now spends most of her time at the laundry. I was also invited to a
Sintaklaas party. I was very excited and combed my haair. There were
people all dressed up with black faces and they gave me more sweets in
one evening than I have ever eaten in the whole of my life. It was
wicked. I danced for them and sat on a strange man's knee because he
gave me presents.
What is going on? |
We sang strange songs and ate crisps and I had a
really lovel;y evening. People kept kissing me and giving me things.
Dancing with strangers for a marshmallow |
Now, everybody on the campsite knows me. They don't know Mama or daddy but they all say ' Hullo Jozef' and I say 'goeiemorgen'. They have even put me on their facebook.
Mama has pulled another uncle out the hat and best of all my Uncle Joe is coming to stay for Christmas. YEAH. BAMBY!